Valentine's Day. By all laws of physics, I should hate it. I'm young, single, lonely and generally depressed, not to mention pathetic--these are the things that are supposed to make a person hate Valentine's Day. Sure, EVERYONE hates Valentine's Day when they're not with someone, but even look to people like me to dis the holiday the harshest. "I'm so commerical! It's not about love! Love sucks! I hate it!" and so on...but I don't hate Valentine's Day. I don't like it. I'm lonely every day of the year. Why do people look at me only on February 14th and go "Wow, it must be really hard for you." Christ, they're retarded. When I think about Valentine's Day I think about chocolate and flowers, not people in love. Sure, it may sound like the same rant, about how Valentine's Day exists solely for the benefit of card makes and flower...growing...guys, uh, but it's not. The whole bloody world is commercialized every day of the year--Christmas, Easter, Saturday afternoon. Besides, people who claim they hate Valentine's day for that reason are just pissed off because they don't get laid. What I'm trying to say here, in my usual non-sensical manner, is that I don't hate Valentine's Day because I have to think of couples and romantic crap. I hate it for the same reason I hate every other day of my life: At some point I have to get out of bed. But, I will wager on the fact that if by this time next year I've got a girlfriend I'll be posting each day like a madman "THE WORLD IS SO GREAT AND SUNNY AND PRETTY AND I LOVE FLUFFY BUNNY KITTY EVERYTHING! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL VALENTINE'S DAY WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!1111" If that ever happens, I want you to shoot me. And of course it's true that for Valentine's Day I wrote a sappy love comic, but hey--that's what people expect. Besides, Corran was whining at me because he doesn't get enough pussy in the comic. Or real life, for that matter (OVER A YEAR!). So, once again I've bored your eyes and dulled your brain by talking without direction for god knows how long (really depends on how fast you read (damnit, I'm doing that thing with the brackets again (I've always been told I use too many (okay, now I'm just fuckin' with ya')))). But I will leave you with some parting advice; If you've got someone you love, you should be celebrating Valentine's Day. You should be celebrating every single day that you're together, but having time set aside at least once a year to really show your love can be special. But don't take it for granted, there are 355 more days you've got to deal with. And for those of you that don't have anyone, I want to stress again NEVER to take a non-masturbating bet. Eight fucking weeks. Anyway, later folks. Enjoy your chocolate and flowers and sex. I'm out. |